What school did Chris Perez the husband of Selena go to in San Antonio Texas?
San Antonio - 1 Answers
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The one and only Fox Tech
Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
i am going to be a freshman... i want a good high school in converse, schertz, or san antonio texas.?
i am going to be a freshman... i want a good high school in converse, schertz, or san antonio texas.?
i really want to go into medicine. i also am middle class. i play volleyball. scared to move to texas but i am so i need some input please!!!
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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No need to be scared. In S.A., stick to schools on the northside of town. Northeast Independent & Northside school districts are well funded as the neighborhoods are affluent & that money goes to good use! I grew up on the west end of town & still recall taking anatomy class in my high school. As one of the upper GPA students we were allowed to take it. However, as if to underscore that we were definitely a 'have not' school, I still vividly recall attempting to do animal dissections with round tip scissors (like the type given to kindergarden grade kids when they're learning to do collages!!!), and our class of 20 had to share the one good scalpel !!! Granted that was 20 years ago, BUT!! as the westside neighborhoods have largely emptied out of the younger folks & the schools have largely closed down to the bare minimum needed to serve those still there, well I wouldn't recommend Edgewood (my alma mater). One school to definitely investigate is Health Careers High School. As the name says, its mission is to serve those who want a career in that field. Good luck! And don't forget your cowboy hat! ;)
i really want to go into medicine. i also am middle class. i play volleyball. scared to move to texas but i am so i need some input please!!!
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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No need to be scared. In S.A., stick to schools on the northside of town. Northeast Independent & Northside school districts are well funded as the neighborhoods are affluent & that money goes to good use! I grew up on the west end of town & still recall taking anatomy class in my high school. As one of the upper GPA students we were allowed to take it. However, as if to underscore that we were definitely a 'have not' school, I still vividly recall attempting to do animal dissections with round tip scissors (like the type given to kindergarden grade kids when they're learning to do collages!!!), and our class of 20 had to share the one good scalpel !!! Granted that was 20 years ago, BUT!! as the westside neighborhoods have largely emptied out of the younger folks & the schools have largely closed down to the bare minimum needed to serve those still there, well I wouldn't recommend Edgewood (my alma mater). One school to definitely investigate is Health Careers High School. As the name says, its mission is to serve those who want a career in that field. Good luck! And don't forget your cowboy hat! ;)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Does anyone know of any high schools in San Antonio, Texas that have an Art class for students to take?
Does anyone know of any high schools in San Antonio, Texas that have an Art class for students to take?
Does anyone know of any high schools that have Art Classes students can take? Or does anyone know where I can find out?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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online search - San Antonio Art Schools
Does anyone know of any high schools that have Art Classes students can take? Or does anyone know where I can find out?
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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online search - San Antonio Art Schools
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
High schools in san antonio texas?
High schools in san antonio texas?
can someone give me neames and e-mails of school on san antonio texas please? i want to go this year and i can`t find a page. Thanks
Dallas - 1 Answers
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Go to this website and it has all the High schools in San Antonio and in the surrounding area, along with the phone number and address. http://city.ask.com/city?what=high+schools&where=San+Antonio%2C+TX&mode=biz
can someone give me neames and e-mails of school on san antonio texas please? i want to go this year and i can`t find a page. Thanks
Dallas - 1 Answers
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Go to this website and it has all the High schools in San Antonio and in the surrounding area, along with the phone number and address. http://city.ask.com/city?what=high+schools&where=San+Antonio%2C+TX&mode=biz
Sunday, February 20, 2011
texas driving schools in san antonio?... please help...?
texas driving schools in san antonio?... please help...?
ok so im 16 and im looking for good driving schools in san antonio texas... um if u have a link to the page that would help bunches... thanks! =]
Commuting - 1 Answers
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I checked superpages.com I got some links for you Ayala & Associates Driving School 5015 De Zavala Road Suite 102, San Antonio, TX 78249 http://www.ayaladriving.com Adult Driver Training with Texas Driving School 3035 Bitters Road, San Antonio, TX 78217 http://www.texasdrivingschool.piczo.com (website doesnt work) (210) 967-4383 (210) 349-4919 txdrivingschoolhotmail.com
ok so im 16 and im looking for good driving schools in san antonio texas... um if u have a link to the page that would help bunches... thanks! =]
Commuting - 1 Answers
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I checked superpages.com I got some links for you Ayala & Associates Driving School 5015 De Zavala Road Suite 102, San Antonio, TX 78249 http://www.ayaladriving.com Adult Driver Training with Texas Driving School 3035 Bitters Road, San Antonio, TX 78217 http://www.texasdrivingschool.piczo.com (website doesnt work) (210) 967-4383 (210) 349-4919 txdrivingschoolhotmail.com
i want to study a montessori career in san antonio texas. Is there any school for montessori teachers???
i want to study a montessori career in san antonio texas. Is there any school for montessori teachers???
Teaching - 3 Answers
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I know there's some in Houston and Dallas I would contact a Montessori school in your area and ask about training opportunities. There may be some smaller schools I am not familiar with that offer teacher training. http://www.childmontessori.com/ St. Mary's Hall Montessori: http://www.smhall.org/Default.asp?bhcp=1 And Judson Montessori: http://www.judsonmontessori.com Those are all AMS Schools. They may be able to point you in the right direction of what is in your area. Matt
United Montessori Association offers distance learning. You might want to try them.
I completely agree with Matt's answer, especially the part about long distance learning. This next part will probably get me “a thumbs� down or violation, but I feel it needs to be said. Do you have a college degree? You must have a college degree to take teacher training classes and from you post above, I assume that you don’t. In the two sentence post above, you are missing 6 capital letters, a comma, and have congregated the verb “to be� incorrectly. Since teaching writing and grammar is a major part of being a teacher, I think you should either reconsider your career choice, or take a few remedial writing courses before you consider any teacher training
Teaching - 3 Answers
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I know there's some in Houston and Dallas I would contact a Montessori school in your area and ask about training opportunities. There may be some smaller schools I am not familiar with that offer teacher training. http://www.childmontessori.com/ St. Mary's Hall Montessori: http://www.smhall.org/Default.asp?bhcp=1 And Judson Montessori: http://www.judsonmontessori.com Those are all AMS Schools. They may be able to point you in the right direction of what is in your area. Matt
United Montessori Association offers distance learning. You might want to try them.
I completely agree with Matt's answer, especially the part about long distance learning. This next part will probably get me “a thumbs� down or violation, but I feel it needs to be said. Do you have a college degree? You must have a college degree to take teacher training classes and from you post above, I assume that you don’t. In the two sentence post above, you are missing 6 capital letters, a comma, and have congregated the verb “to be� incorrectly. Since teaching writing and grammar is a major part of being a teacher, I think you should either reconsider your career choice, or take a few remedial writing courses before you consider any teacher training
Friday, February 18, 2011
Looking for Dirver's Ed school in San Antonio?
Looking for Dirver's Ed school in San Antonio?
I am looking for a Driver's Ed school in San Antonio, Texas. It needs to be close to Converse, TX, and relatively cheap. I am willing to pay somewhere in the 200s range if need be, but no more than that. Please hurry!
Other - Cars & Transportation - 1 Answers
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you can do it online for cheaper than 150 ..
I am looking for a Driver's Ed school in San Antonio, Texas. It needs to be close to Converse, TX, and relatively cheap. I am willing to pay somewhere in the 200s range if need be, but no more than that. Please hurry!
Other - Cars & Transportation - 1 Answers
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you can do it online for cheaper than 150 ..
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Does anyone know anywhere to play lacrosse in san antonio, besides joining a school team?
Does anyone know anywhere to play lacrosse in san antonio, besides joining a school team?
san antonio, texas just incase you didn't know. and for 8th grade-high school.
Other - Sports - 2 Answers
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yes lacrosse has caught fire in texas big time . many club teams forming . try texas lacrosse internet v. phone chamber of commerace the will have all teams listed with contact number . horns are full riding the game . this may sound bad from a male . but the womans field game is much better than the mens field game good luck
I found this site. It may help. http://members.tripod.com/~gcla/sametrolax.html
san antonio, texas just incase you didn't know. and for 8th grade-high school.
Other - Sports - 2 Answers
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yes lacrosse has caught fire in texas big time . many club teams forming . try texas lacrosse internet v. phone chamber of commerace the will have all teams listed with contact number . horns are full riding the game . this may sound bad from a male . but the womans field game is much better than the mens field game good luck
I found this site. It may help. http://members.tripod.com/~gcla/sametrolax.html
Monday, February 14, 2011
hi would affluent white newcomers to san antonio reject school intergation?
hi would affluent white newcomers to san antonio reject school intergation?
hi in 1993 a study found that affulent white newcomers from charlotte who cam from midwest and north disapporved of racial intergation and if we get white newcomers from these regions alot would samething happen here in san antonio, texas?
San Antonio - 9 Answers
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Wow, you really need to get a life.
Since segregated schools are not an option, they will have to either accept it, find a private school that meets their criteria or homeschool. Schools are integrated and that isn't going to change.
They might come here with that attitude but they wouldn't be here for very long and someone would be setting them straight, or they would be moving away almost as soon as when they got here, or were you talking about the folks here rejecting them. The vast majority of San Antonio are Hispanic, but frankly most of them are just trying to get an education and pretty much believe in live and let live.
Sammi...You are at it again!!! Once again you are bringing up your segregationist conspiracy theories. You are according to your posts, a young man of Mestizo heritage. In San Antonio that makes you part of the majority. That means if people want to vote for segregation you get to win. There are 1,108,000 Hispanic people in the San Antonio MSA in an area of less than 2 million that is the majority by a whole bunch. It takes a pretty big inferiority complex to think that first of all a group of rich white people from the north and midwest moved into Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. And because is got kind of boring around Charlotte, because there just weren't enough Hispanic people to pick on (because rich white people always seem to segregate the Hispanics, they never had a history of segregating African Americans, but Hispanics they huddled up and shifted off to the Mecklenburg Hispanic School on the edge of town) they thought they would come to San Antonio, where whites are a minority, so they could stop all the forced integration we have here. (Of course you may have missed that those whites want to segregate blacks, not hispanics) I have lately been horrified by the rampant integration in this city... I think they have forced almost 1 percent anglo and black kids into Harlandale. They are going to ruin that school. Of course the worst offender is that horrible Reagan that Sammi often notes which does have more whites but is a mix of hispanic black, asian, and other students. I think you will find Sammi that the Northeast and Northside School Districts are more the picture of integration that was envisioned in the 60s and 70s when I was a child than what you have in mind. Remember Sammi integration means that the children go to school side by side regardless of race, creed, religion, or country of origin. Not a cookie cutter... there are 56% hispanics in San Antonio so every school will be 56% hispanic. It was the idea that we had to meet quotas that led to bussing, which failled and caused more problems than segregation. Sammi, you are probably not stupid, though I can not be sure from your spelling and grammar, but you are ignorant. I grew up in the 50s,60s and 70s. For a short time I was living in Alabama in the early to mid 60s in the middle of the integration of the schools. I can remember going to all white schools, and also remember when the schools were reset the next year and I was moved and bused to a school so that the racial mix was appropriate. Luckily we moved back to San Antonio and I did not have to deal with that. Nobody in my classes here which had always been mixed ever knew the difference. We already had a racially mixed classroom and everybody got along. But when we get those Charlotte people in here we ought to be able to really shake things up, If the whole city moves here that will be about 500,000 people. Only 300,000 are white so that won't be enough to be the majority, 200,000 are black, so they won't be the majority either, but we will get about 50,000 more Hispanic people so the majority will increase. I guess we won't get to segregate this year, may be you can find some rich white racist from bigger city next time Sam. Of course if you want to be segregated, we could get together and send you to Charlotte, I'm sure they would be willing to segregate an ignorant prepubescent, gay, bi, homophobic, Mestizo young man somewhere in North Carolina. EDIT: Actually Beatrice, sadly, he is not obsessed with the white newcomers...he is, unfortunately, seriously, obsessed with himself, and the way he is discriminated against in San Antonio, because he is of Mexican American Heritage.
Its now 2007 you don't have to worry about those things anymore.............................. Why are you so obsessed with "white newcomers"
Hi Sam... thanks for the points. It's good to know every few days you will be asking another one of your half-baked brainless questions and I will be getting points. Why do I feel like everyone would reject you, affluence and/or race has nothing to do with it. EDIT: Did anyone else get this intelligent message from sam? You have received a message from another user! "From: samuel g Subject: **** off Message: **** off ***** "
Sam I know you have a really ugly heart, but I just wondered if you were beat up really bad as a child? You seem to be in a 1960s time warp which is really unbecoming for your young age. You'd think that you yourself went through the narrow minded folk of the 60s and even they are older and wiser and they went through it. Poor, poor boy. God bless you. Karma will hurt you.
Samuel, I don't know how old you are... have you ever seen true government supported segregation? KM
hi in 1993 a study found that affulent white newcomers from charlotte who cam from midwest and north disapporved of racial intergation and if we get white newcomers from these regions alot would samething happen here in san antonio, texas?
San Antonio - 9 Answers
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Wow, you really need to get a life.
Since segregated schools are not an option, they will have to either accept it, find a private school that meets their criteria or homeschool. Schools are integrated and that isn't going to change.
They might come here with that attitude but they wouldn't be here for very long and someone would be setting them straight, or they would be moving away almost as soon as when they got here, or were you talking about the folks here rejecting them. The vast majority of San Antonio are Hispanic, but frankly most of them are just trying to get an education and pretty much believe in live and let live.
Sammi...You are at it again!!! Once again you are bringing up your segregationist conspiracy theories. You are according to your posts, a young man of Mestizo heritage. In San Antonio that makes you part of the majority. That means if people want to vote for segregation you get to win. There are 1,108,000 Hispanic people in the San Antonio MSA in an area of less than 2 million that is the majority by a whole bunch. It takes a pretty big inferiority complex to think that first of all a group of rich white people from the north and midwest moved into Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. And because is got kind of boring around Charlotte, because there just weren't enough Hispanic people to pick on (because rich white people always seem to segregate the Hispanics, they never had a history of segregating African Americans, but Hispanics they huddled up and shifted off to the Mecklenburg Hispanic School on the edge of town) they thought they would come to San Antonio, where whites are a minority, so they could stop all the forced integration we have here. (Of course you may have missed that those whites want to segregate blacks, not hispanics) I have lately been horrified by the rampant integration in this city... I think they have forced almost 1 percent anglo and black kids into Harlandale. They are going to ruin that school. Of course the worst offender is that horrible Reagan that Sammi often notes which does have more whites but is a mix of hispanic black, asian, and other students. I think you will find Sammi that the Northeast and Northside School Districts are more the picture of integration that was envisioned in the 60s and 70s when I was a child than what you have in mind. Remember Sammi integration means that the children go to school side by side regardless of race, creed, religion, or country of origin. Not a cookie cutter... there are 56% hispanics in San Antonio so every school will be 56% hispanic. It was the idea that we had to meet quotas that led to bussing, which failled and caused more problems than segregation. Sammi, you are probably not stupid, though I can not be sure from your spelling and grammar, but you are ignorant. I grew up in the 50s,60s and 70s. For a short time I was living in Alabama in the early to mid 60s in the middle of the integration of the schools. I can remember going to all white schools, and also remember when the schools were reset the next year and I was moved and bused to a school so that the racial mix was appropriate. Luckily we moved back to San Antonio and I did not have to deal with that. Nobody in my classes here which had always been mixed ever knew the difference. We already had a racially mixed classroom and everybody got along. But when we get those Charlotte people in here we ought to be able to really shake things up, If the whole city moves here that will be about 500,000 people. Only 300,000 are white so that won't be enough to be the majority, 200,000 are black, so they won't be the majority either, but we will get about 50,000 more Hispanic people so the majority will increase. I guess we won't get to segregate this year, may be you can find some rich white racist from bigger city next time Sam. Of course if you want to be segregated, we could get together and send you to Charlotte, I'm sure they would be willing to segregate an ignorant prepubescent, gay, bi, homophobic, Mestizo young man somewhere in North Carolina. EDIT: Actually Beatrice, sadly, he is not obsessed with the white newcomers...he is, unfortunately, seriously, obsessed with himself, and the way he is discriminated against in San Antonio, because he is of Mexican American Heritage.
Its now 2007 you don't have to worry about those things anymore.............................. Why are you so obsessed with "white newcomers"
Hi Sam... thanks for the points. It's good to know every few days you will be asking another one of your half-baked brainless questions and I will be getting points. Why do I feel like everyone would reject you, affluence and/or race has nothing to do with it. EDIT: Did anyone else get this intelligent message from sam? You have received a message from another user! "From: samuel g Subject: **** off Message: **** off ***** "
Sam I know you have a really ugly heart, but I just wondered if you were beat up really bad as a child? You seem to be in a 1960s time warp which is really unbecoming for your young age. You'd think that you yourself went through the narrow minded folk of the 60s and even they are older and wiser and they went through it. Poor, poor boy. God bless you. Karma will hurt you.
Samuel, I don't know how old you are... have you ever seen true government supported segregation? KM
Saturday, February 12, 2011
What are some good schools in san antonio texas that can teach you about movie production?
What are some good schools in san antonio texas that can teach you about movie production?
Movies - 1 Answers
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do a google search on: film schools in san antonio texas a list of resources should appear that you can begin to contact. good luck in your professional pursuits!
Movies - 1 Answers
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do a google search on: film schools in san antonio texas a list of resources should appear that you can begin to contact. good luck in your professional pursuits!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
how to find someone who graduated from Madison High School in San Antonio Texas?
how to find someone who graduated from Madison High School in San Antonio Texas?
Her name was Susan Overbeck. She graduated in 1983, 1984, or 1985
Marriage & Divorce - 4 Answers
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There are lots of web site. you can type into the address bar find people. Or you can contact school records.
Try classmates.com Perhaps she has registered there. Or you can contact the school to see if they have any information about her. Best of luck in your search!
what alicia said
Did you try Reunion.com?
Her name was Susan Overbeck. She graduated in 1983, 1984, or 1985
Marriage & Divorce - 4 Answers
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There are lots of web site. you can type into the address bar find people. Or you can contact school records.
Try classmates.com Perhaps she has registered there. Or you can contact the school to see if they have any information about her. Best of luck in your search!
what alicia said
Did you try Reunion.com?
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
i need to see pictures of 1978 Dwight Middle School yearbook in san antonio texas?
i need to see pictures of 1978 Dwight Middle School yearbook in san antonio texas?
class or sports pictures
San Antonio - 2 Answers
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Have you tried calling anyone there like the yearbook sponsor, or have you tried going to the downtown half price books where often times you will see a old yearbook from a high school or middle school for sale? One a former student has given to make an extra dollar or their kid has taken for an extra dollar? It happens. I know. .
I'm not sure about Dwight. But my middle school, high school, and all of my universities kept a copy of the yearbook in the library. You might want to contact the school and ask the librarian. Another possibility would be the teacher who sponsors the yearbook committee. Our high school yearbook staff office had at least one copy of every yearbook since the school had opened (they used them for archives and as a reference on how to set up the yearbooks).
class or sports pictures
San Antonio - 2 Answers
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Have you tried calling anyone there like the yearbook sponsor, or have you tried going to the downtown half price books where often times you will see a old yearbook from a high school or middle school for sale? One a former student has given to make an extra dollar or their kid has taken for an extra dollar? It happens. I know. .
I'm not sure about Dwight. But my middle school, high school, and all of my universities kept a copy of the yearbook in the library. You might want to contact the school and ask the librarian. Another possibility would be the teacher who sponsors the yearbook committee. Our high school yearbook staff office had at least one copy of every yearbook since the school had opened (they used them for archives and as a reference on how to set up the yearbooks).
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Thomas Edison high school prom night pictures/San Antonio Texas?
Thomas Edison high school prom night pictures/San Antonio Texas?
May 6,2006 prom night from Edison High School
Entertaining - 3 Answers
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what is the ?
Okay! Thanks for telling me and the world....I don't think you should announce it to the world....because you never know whats out there that will be waiting ! according to what the world has gone to. Best wishes and good luck
May 6,2006 prom night from Edison High School
Entertaining - 3 Answers
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what is the ?
Okay! Thanks for telling me and the world....I don't think you should announce it to the world....because you never know whats out there that will be waiting ! according to what the world has gone to. Best wishes and good luck
Friday, February 4, 2011
Any good dance schools for kids in San Antonio Texas?
Any good dance schools for kids in San Antonio Texas?
Hello, my family and I are going to be moving to San Antonio Texas, and I was wondering if anyone knew of a good dance school that my daughter could attend. She is currently in hip-hop, jazz, tap, ballet and gymnastics. Thanks!!!
Dancing - 2 Answers
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You might try checking in the San Antonio Yellow Pages under "Dance Schools" or "Dancing Instructions". Her choices of dancing styles are good choices.... Except , I suggest that hip-hop is not a good choice, the music in the last few years has not made it in the top 25 of song sales in the last few years. And plus that type of music is being so associated with the street gangs of urban society. With gloried images of the violence, drug culture, thugs, etc. And the "Stop Snitching" thing they came up with saying "Don't talk to the Cops of any crime that our boys did or we'll be coming for your head."
dance conseratory of south texas (i think its called this) pretty sure its on Broadwayy
Hello, my family and I are going to be moving to San Antonio Texas, and I was wondering if anyone knew of a good dance school that my daughter could attend. She is currently in hip-hop, jazz, tap, ballet and gymnastics. Thanks!!!
Dancing - 2 Answers
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You might try checking in the San Antonio Yellow Pages under "Dance Schools" or "Dancing Instructions". Her choices of dancing styles are good choices.... Except , I suggest that hip-hop is not a good choice, the music in the last few years has not made it in the top 25 of song sales in the last few years. And plus that type of music is being so associated with the street gangs of urban society. With gloried images of the violence, drug culture, thugs, etc. And the "Stop Snitching" thing they came up with saying "Don't talk to the Cops of any crime that our boys did or we'll be coming for your head."
dance conseratory of south texas (i think its called this) pretty sure its on Broadwayy
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Does Roosevelt High School in San Antonio, Texas have any Photography courses?
Does Roosevelt High School in San Antonio, Texas have any Photography courses?
This year I'll be entering the 8th grade at Wood Middle School and I'm really looking forward to high school and college. I'm really into photography and I'm not sure if Roosevelt High School--where I'll attend--has any photography courses. I already went to their website and looked everywhere but I couldn't find anything on photography. I already started teaching myself photography and you can check out my portfolio at http://bekahcruz.carbonmade.com/. I already plan to go to Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) and get a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (BFA). But if you can find out, I'd really like it if you'd tell me if Roosevelt has any photography courses. Thanks. Oh! And if it's possible, include a map of the campus. To get to the Roosevelt website, go to http://www.neisd.net and at the top of the site, look for the link that says "Campuses" and click on it. It should take you to a list of schools. Then scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll find a link that says "Roosevelt High School" next to the school logo. Click that and you'll be directed to a site that has information about the school. Just at the top of that page, there is a link that says "Theodore Roosevelt High School," and if you click that it will take you to their website.
Photography - 2 Answers
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go to the high school and ask. im sure it will be super easy.
Excuse me? You're telling me how do find their website, but you want *me* to find the information? That's a pathetic way to start off in high school. No one here goes to this school, and no one here wants to peruse YOUR school's website for information that YOU can apparently find yourself pretty easily. As for your photography: Poor lighting. Poor composition. Poor focus. It looks like you're using auto-everything.
This year I'll be entering the 8th grade at Wood Middle School and I'm really looking forward to high school and college. I'm really into photography and I'm not sure if Roosevelt High School--where I'll attend--has any photography courses. I already went to their website and looked everywhere but I couldn't find anything on photography. I already started teaching myself photography and you can check out my portfolio at http://bekahcruz.carbonmade.com/. I already plan to go to Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) and get a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (BFA). But if you can find out, I'd really like it if you'd tell me if Roosevelt has any photography courses. Thanks. Oh! And if it's possible, include a map of the campus. To get to the Roosevelt website, go to http://www.neisd.net and at the top of the site, look for the link that says "Campuses" and click on it. It should take you to a list of schools. Then scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll find a link that says "Roosevelt High School" next to the school logo. Click that and you'll be directed to a site that has information about the school. Just at the top of that page, there is a link that says "Theodore Roosevelt High School," and if you click that it will take you to their website.
Photography - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
go to the high school and ask. im sure it will be super easy.
Excuse me? You're telling me how do find their website, but you want *me* to find the information? That's a pathetic way to start off in high school. No one here goes to this school, and no one here wants to peruse YOUR school's website for information that YOU can apparently find yourself pretty easily. As for your photography: Poor lighting. Poor composition. Poor focus. It looks like you're using auto-everything.
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Texas School Survey: Why are twice as many San Antonio students using marijuana than widely sold tobacco cigs? Cigarettes are bad enough b...
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at lanier in san antonio theres no whites in west side school? in west side san antonio texas lanier high school in west side is mostly h...
are there any mostly white schools in san antonio,texas? are there any schools in san antonio,texas that are mostly white? and any areas ...
What school is cheaper UT Arlington, UT Austin, UT Dallas, UT San Antonio, or Texas A&M-Corpus Christi? Financial Aid - 1 Answers Ra...
hi would affluent white newcomers to san antonio reject school intergation? hi in 1993 a study found that affulent white newcomers from ch...
Best catholic high schools in san antonio texas??? help pls? Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers Random Answers, Critics, Comm...
i am going to be a freshman... i want a good high school in converse, schertz, or san antonio texas.? i really want to go into medicine. i...
how do i find the web site for sam rayburn middle school here in san antonio texas? i'm looking for the back to school supplies list an...